My Works

NASA image of the day app

Enables users to search, view, and save NASA’s Image of the Day, utilizing Java and Android Studio. Integrated a SQLite database for local storage, allowing users to curate a personal gallery of favorite images. Employed various Android SDK components, such as activities and services, to build a responsive and user-friendly interface.

Blockchain Crowdfunding web app

Engineered a decentralized crowdfunding platform on the Ethereum Blockchain, leveraging blockchain technology for transparency and cost-efficient transactions.

Immigration Services web app

Deployed a website on Vercel using Next.js, React, and TailWindCSS. Continously communicated with client and developed a user friendly UI with great UX design. Utilizing ReSend, customers can request immigration and law services.

Educational Trading video

I created a video where I explain my top tips when it comes to my main trading strategy that revolves around Elliott Wave Theory. This includes fibonacci, wave analysis, and setting up the right trades.

Malware Detection CNN

Developed a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to detect malware. Utilized PyTorch + hyperparameter tuning to train the model, achieving a testing accuracy of 98.2%.

Stock Closing Price Forecasting

Using LSTM, I create a stock forecasting model using PyTorch and Scikit-learn MinMaxScaler to predict the closing price of a stock based on the 7 day lookback period. Achieved a validation loss of 0.06 during training

EWT CNN Dataset

Created a program to create an open-source dataset for Elliott Wave Theory (EWT) to be used for machine learning. Takes in parameters by collaborates and generates the stock image for the CNN

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Full-stack Developer and Data EngineerHire Me